Monday 7 March 2016

The Revolt

Two estranged and exiled but formerly important members of the MQM returned from Dubai and immediately held a press conference in a DHA house. In the press conference besides emotionally charged avowals of wanting to serve the country through a new grass roots people oriented party they also spilt the beans about the reality of the MQM as an organization. It was not so much of spilling beans but rather confirming all the beans spilt many times earlier through rumors, innuendos, confessions and speculation. After this landmark press conference the MQM image is seriously tarnished with accusations of running militant and criminal wings from abroad, collecting, accumulating and laundering funds, having links with India’s meddlesome intelligence organization RAW and its leader maintaining a lavish life style that has frequently led to drunken performances by him from his exile in London. An important point to note is that all the allegations were leveled at the leader in London and not at the MQM as a party or its members who come across as petrified minions forced to do what the leader desires.

Read more:The Revolt

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