Monday 11 July 2016


The Iraq InquiryThirteen years after the US-UK orchestrated invasion of Iraq and seven years after he started work Sir John Chilcot has produced a most exhaustive 12 volume report on Britain’s decision to join the US in a war that undoubtedly was a supreme folly. This war has spawned the sectarian conflict in the Middle East and the rise of IS (Islamic State) leading to unimaginable violence and an immigration problem of gigantic proportions as millions of displaced people head for Europe. More than 150000 Iraqis have been killed and millions injured. This conceptually flawed decision to invade Iraq has often been attributed to some kind of geo-political strategy by the ‘neocons’ in the US to carry out socio-political re-engineering in the Middle East or as Omar Khayyam said in another context—“if you and I could with faith conspire to rebuild this scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and rebuild it closer to heart’s desire.” The Middle East has been shattered with Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iraq on the verge of disintegration and pressures mounting on Egypt and Turkey. AlQaeda has reinvented itself and is reaching out to new hunting grounds and the West is under threat from its own radicalized populations. The US decision to disband Saddam’s military machine has given IS expertise and trained manpower. The same Saddam who was armed and supported by the US in Iraq’s war with Iran and who was hunted and hanged after the invasion of Iraq. Many in Iraq miss his iron hand that kept Iraq cohesive and progressive much like Libya’s Gaddafi also killed by mobs in the street.


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