Friday 19 August 2016

A response to “India’s Modi mounts the Baluchi tiger”- by Bhadrakumar

A response to “India’s Modi mounts the Baluchi tiger”- by Bhadrakumar, sent to him by a resident of Baluchistan

Dear Ambassador,
I am addressing you directly. In case you have not got my earlier comments on your Blog, through some other source, I hope you can go through them here under.

9A1C4E3E5BEC4DF9BDFB2953B5A6C84DI wrote those comments in a hurry as I was pressed for time, but I think I owe it to you to explain at some length this so called ‘Balochistan’ and the so called ‘Baloch-Tigers’. If for no reason, just to put the enemy-countries ‘propaganda against Pakistan in perspective. Besides, I learn so much from your Blogs, perhaps  I owe it to you and should explain.

Read Full Article: A response to “India’s Modi mounts the Baluchi tiger”- by Bhadrakumar

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