Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Awakening

Spearhead Analysis – 24.08.2016

Threat LevelsPresident Obama set the ball rolling when in a major speech he referred to Pakistan as an ‘abysmally dysfunctional country’. This need not have been taken seriously because President Obama had also stated that Raymond Davis was a diplomat. In fact earlier Presidents Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Clinton had all made statements that turned out to be, well, not true. President Obama’s statement was followed by a hearing of the Joint Sub-Committee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs “Pakistan, Friend or Foe”. While concluding the hearing the Chairman, Mr Matt Salmon said: “For the record, I personally believe that we should completely cut off all funding to Pakistan. I think that would be the right first step. And then, a State Sponsor of Terrorism declaration. … Right now we have the worst policy that we could possibly have; all we are doing is rewarding thugs.” The panel of ‘experts’ that the Sub Committee had lined up were led by, not unsurprisingly, Mr Zalmay Khalilzad a former US Ambassador to Afghanistan who gave his expert opinion that ‘One may conclude now that Pakistan is a State Sponsor of Terror”.

Read Full Article: The Awakening

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