Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Modi Miscalculation

PM-Narendra-ModiIn one fell swoop Narendra Modi India’s BJP and extremist Hindu RSS backed Prime Minister has changed the present and future contours of the India-Pakistan relationship — perhaps forever. Speaking from the ramparts of Delhi’s Red Fort on India’s Independence Day Mr Modi said:

“Today from the ramparts of Red Fort, I want to greet and express my thanks to some people. In the last few days, people of Balochistan, Gilgit, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir have thanked me, have expressed gratitude, and expressed good wishes for me. The people who are living far away, whom I have never seen, never met – such people have expressed appreciation for Prime Minister of India, for 125 crore countrymen. This is an honour for our countrymen.”

Read Full Article: The Modi Miscalculation

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