Monday 5 September 2016

The Pakistani He-Man

By Xenia Rasul Khan Mahsud
Research Analyst, Spearhead Research
“In torture, it is in part the obsessive display of agency that permits one person’s body to be translated into another person’s voice, that allows real human pain to be converted into a regime’s fiction of power” – Elaine Scarry
modern_sisyphusSoaring intolerance, relentless carnage, and the stupefying acceptance of both is what the Pakistani political scene has been reduced to. Whispers in drawing rooms, and analysts cutting each other off on talk shows, have all fashioned narratives attempting to explain events and sentiments that make the cut to the red ticker pacing on news channels – demanding attention. What’s missing from this narrative is a gendered reading of Pakistani politics, interpreted through our understanding of notions of femininity and masculinity – both hyper and militarized, and how that factors in in the decisions we make as a people.

Read Full Article: The Pakistani He-Man

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