Friday 30 December 2016

Gwadar: Where is the Water?

By Farrukh Karamat
Research Analyst, Spearhead Research
Gwadar WaterGwadar, Baluchistan, the proverbial jewel in the crown of the CPEC project. Grandiose real estate developments are being projected around Gwadar by some leading developers, who are advertising the area with images of a Dubai-like coast- and sky-line. The ground reality is that the people of Gwadar face an acute water shortage after a long drought of almost three years in Baluchistan. By some estimates around a 100,000 people have no access to clean drinking water, with the locals forced to purchase water at exorbitant rates through a tanker mafia, with scarce availability of government subsidized water that is transported over a distance of around 80 kilometers. This is the second time that the city of Gwadar has faced a drought like situation in a span of six years. Unfortunately, the first drought did not trigger any response from the government to take remedial measures and the situation continues to worsen.

Read Full Article: Gwadar: Where is the Water?

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