Monday 16 January 2017

Exploring Russia’s Tilt to Pakistan

The evolving international order means states are constantly reshaping policies to suit their regional and international interests. There is little room for permanence and hardly any constant friends or foes. A country’s geographical location and strategic significance can at any point in time make it desirable, despite its internal competency or lack thereof. It is within the sovereign right of any country to choose its allies. And that is how international relations work.  

Since the trilateral meeting on regional peace and stability between representatives from Pakistan, Russia and China, expectations have been snowballing on the likelihood of a pleasant reset in Pak-Russia relations. In this terrain, Pakistan’s footing is shaky at best. International media has not helped Pakistan’s case either. There is a lot of speculation on Russia’s supposed ‘tilt’ towards Pakistan and the dangers this tilt could pose to the future of Russia-India relations.

Read Complete Article: Exploring Russia’s Tilt to Pakistan

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