Tuesday 17 January 2017

The East-West and Putin’s Choice

Amongst the several uncertainties that the year has dawned with. A crucial one remains - The outcome of Trumps inclination towards Russia. Some say this “Nixon going to China” like move falls in the bigger framework of the policy for Chinese containment.

The Pendulum Swings:

The Russo-Sino ideological disputes are long gone and several other core issues have also been dealt with. It appears that while the separation from the Soviet Union by most states was to decentralise power, it was not aimed at total isolation or disowning states. Apart, from the Baltic states - which are now under NATO’s guardianship - most of the other newly independent states sought to re-emerge under an ‘EU-like’ structure for security and economic development. Though for most part, the ride has been pretty bumpy.

Read Complete Article: The East-West and Putin’s Choice

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