Monday 6 February 2017

From Russia, with -not so much- love

For Russia- nearly 60% of its earnings are from energy exports, followed by arms trade and civil nuclear technologies and others. Nearly 60% of its exports are to Europe and 30% to Asian markets.  

Economic growth is sluggish and several government sectors lack the funds for technological upgrades. Rules regarding private ownership were relaxed after the reforms in early 90’s ; on formerly restricted areas of defence and energy; the role of Russian private firms has been on the rise globally.

But, the country’s wealth disparity is believed to be one of the highest in the world. For Russia-under Putin- the prime focus would most likely be, getting the country’s economic uplift on track while also not entirely embracing decentralisation. And in this journey, all friends and foes would be evaluated under the light of maximum benefits to Russia. 

Read Complete Article: From Russia, with -not so much- love

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