Monday 20 February 2017

So, is the TPP dead or alive?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was to play a strategic role in American diplomacy. Touted by the Obama administration as the economic lynchpin of US’s ‘pivot to Asia’, it was to act as a counterweight to an expansionary China. However, under the Trump administration, several of Obama’s signature achievements have been either trashed or blunted dramatically—the TPP being one of them.

The Trump administration kicked off with the US exit from the TPP—a deal painstakingly negotiated, but little understood. Several serious political risks were taken by participating countries to forge the compromises required for the TPP to surface. Negotiations took five long years, after which the TPP was hailed as the most sophisticated deal to cement the US alliance with Asia.

Read Complete Article: So, is the TPP dead or alive?

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