Monday 13 February 2017

What Does the US TPP Withdrawal Mean?

American President Donald TrumpOn his first full weekday in office, President Trump signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade deal brokered by his predecessor-- a deal that he himself described as a “disaster” and the “worst deal ever”. 
Withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) featured high up in Trump’s to-do-list for his first 100 days in office. As a candidate in the presidential elections one of the subjects that Trump spent the most time dwelling on was the TPP- a free trade agreement whose members comprise around 40 percent of global GDP. Trump vowed to take an aggressive stance against foreign competitors, which he fit under his “America First” approach. As on other important issues, Trump’s hardline stance on this particular issue is also a far cry from what we are used to hearing. Traditionally US presidential candidates seldom question the indispensability of the US in alliances and free trade agreements; these are rather encouraged as emblematic of the US’s commitment to the liberal world order.   

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