Monday 27 March 2017

Altering Afghan-Pakistan Trade Relations

Pakistan Afghanistan FlagAfghan president Ashraf Ghani and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are set to finalize an air cargo service pact to diversify and boost bilateral trade. The 2010 Pakistan-Afghanistan trade pact permits Afghan trucks carrying goods to India to travel up to the last checkpoint at Wagah, and not to the final Indian checkpoint at Attari, less than a kilometer away. Pakistan is yet to provide a transit link for India-Afghan trade through its territory. The trade and transit agreement was revised last year—again, with no provisions for Indian goods passing through Pakistan. The transit dilemma has since pushed Afghan traders in a quandary.

Afghanistan depends on Pakistan’s port of Karachi for its foreign trade. The air corridor connectivity project comes as an alternative designed primarily to enable a landlocked Afghanistan to trade with India, which happens to be the biggest market for Afghan goods in all of South Asia. This move is likely to help export Afghan fruits and carpets to India and allow Indian medicines to be imported to Afghanistan.

Read Complete Article - Altering Afghan-Pakistan Trade Relations

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