Thursday 5 October 2017

Subverting security narratives; Pakistan on damage control

India and Pakistan did not disappoint the world at the 72nd UNGA meeting. PM Abbasi highlighted Indian atrocities and the flagrant abuse of human rights in Indian Held Kashmir where a revolt against Indian occupation is in full swing with no signs of a let up. He also dwelt on India’s declared and proved involvement in support of a nascent and dying separatist movement in Baluchistan. The Indian FM Sushma Swaraj forgot diplomatic norms as she raged against Pakistan for harboring and protecting banned militant outfits. Pakistan’s representative to the UN Dr Maleeha Lodhi exercising her right of rebuttal was blunt and forthright in her response to the Indian FM’s speech. So what was gained and what was lost? The two countries raged against each other in a multilateral world forum and may have found some satisfaction in living up to the expectations of their domestic audiences. What was lost, however, was the opportunity to tell the world that the two states could face their differences, live with them and try to resolve them through dialogue. India’s attitude precludes any such possibility.

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