Thursday 19 October 2017

Viewpoint - Export Sector of Pakistan

For the last couple of years, the economic headlines in Pakistan have oscillated between differing viewpoints of the Government, opposition parties and some eminent Economists. A lot has been written on the different aspects of the economy such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, fiscal deficits, rising debt levels, internal political instability and CPEC as a game changer for Pakistan. Amongst these multitude of issues, for some time now, the case of the plummeting exports in Pakistan have started to gain prominence as exports are a major source of inflows for the country along with Workers’ Remittances and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). It is a fact that Exports have declined by approximately 17% over the course of last four years, with various reasons cited for the deterioration. It was this decline that forced the Government to announce a Rs.180 Billion Package in FY2016-17 for the revival of this crucial sector.
Read Complete Article : Viewpoint - Export Sector of Pakistan

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