Thursday 23 November 2017

Thank You Major!

Yesterday was a sad day as 28-year old Major Ishaq lost his life while engaged in an operation to clean up terrorist hide-outs in DI Khan. The image of the smiling young Major holding his one-year old beaming daughter in his lap was heart wrenching, to say the least. Another life lost in the ongoing fight against the scourge of terrorism. We salute you Major Ishaq for fighting for our security and that of the State of Pakistan. We are indeed indebted to you Major, with a debt that can never be repaid. May Allah grant you the highest place in Heaven and may he provide solace and sabr to your family. Ameen.

The young Major Ishaq gave his life protecting Pakistan, a country that has recently witnessed the lowest of the lows in terms of political bickering by those who are placing their own interests above those of the country---the country for which vibrant young men are dying.

Read Complete Article: Thank You Major!

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