Tuesday 5 December 2017

Iran-Saudi rivalry: Options for Pakistan

Pakistan shares deep socio-religious linkages and has common security and economic interests with both, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ideally, Pakistan aspires to remain neutral in the Iran-Saudi rivalry, while continuing to deepen ties with both nations. However, Pakistan’s stance is prone to several vulnerabilities, thus to manage this balance Pakistan would have to work on certain internal policies and correctly respond to regional developments.

The aim of this paper is to explore the current developments in Pakistan’s bilateral ties with Iran and Saudi Arabia, address the impacts of ideologically driven proxies and look at the current regional developments in order to assess Pakistan’s options in dealing with Saudi-Arabia and Iran.
Recently, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Army Chief and Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence embarked on a trip to Saudi Arabia to attend the IMCTC meeting.

Read Complete Article: Iran-Saudi rivalry: Options for Pakistan

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