Friday 31 August 2018

Pakistan is involved in a 5GW Hybrid War and It must Defend itself

Sun Tzu once said that “supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting”. Hybrid warfare aims to achieve such a victory. In light of the ever-evolving, globally transcendent threats that are quickly beginning to replace conventional methods of confrontational war, the term hybrid warfare has acquired significance.

The art of this fourth or fifth generation warfare, more commonly known as 5GW is more decentralized, fluid and is strategically calculated to engage the enemy on all fronts simultaneously – conventionally, non-conventionally and irregular targeting of the opponent’s opportunity of growth , without complying with the act of declaring an actual war. What is interesting is the idea that this form of ‘modern’ warfare has only recently surfaced as a cogent threat. The case of Russia is often cited as --?

Read Complete Article: Pakistan is involved in a 5GW Hybrid War and It must Defend itself

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