Friday 28 September 2018

Waning Confidence

The never-ending saga of inept decision making continues to haunt the corridors of power in Pakistan. The fault inherently lies in the ineptitude of the decision makers, borne out of years of neglect, inexperience, and a nonchalant attitude that does not allow them to think on a macro level long-term basis. The recent addition of Rs.2.3 Million to the National Exchequer from the sale of buffaloes at the Prime Minister House is a case in point. At a time when the country faces huge levels of public debt, rising deficits, and rapidly falling foreign exchange reserves there are far more pressing issues at hand than selling buffaloes to raise funds. Herein lies the problem, leaders in Pakistan in recent years have focused on optics, taking media-appeasing decisions rather than being able to adopt a hardline stance where they could think in terms of the long-term betterment of the country. This has cost us dearly in the recent past and will continue to do so unless the thought process behind the decision making is changed drastically. Dr. Mahathir has taken hard decisions in the national interest of Malaysia, but then his stature and capability is at another level.

Read Complete Article: Waning Confidence

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