Wednesday 13 February 2019

The MbS Visit

Imran Khan and Muhammad bin Salman

The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia His Highness Muhammad bin Salman is due in Pakistan on February 15th on a two- day visit. Pakistan will pull out all stops and roll out the red carpet with the Prime Minister receiving the honored guest on the tarmac. Expectations are high that besides reaffirming the strong enduring Saudi-Pakistan relationship the visit will lead to some high value mutually beneficial agreements for which the groundwork has been done by visiting Saudi delegations and personal interaction between MbS as the Crown Prince is known and Imran Khan who visited Saudi Arabia to participate in a Saudi sponsored conference at a time when the world’s spotlight was on MbS following the Kashoggi murder. The Prime Minister’s visit underscored the fact that the importance of the Saudi-Pakistan relationship over- rode all other considerations.

Read Full Article:  The MbS Visit

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