Tuesday 23 April 2019

Afghan Dialogue: A new stall

The two-day intra-Afghan dialogue was scheduled to be held on the 19thof April 2019 in Qatar. The talks were expected to assemble Afghan Taliban leaders and various Afghan politicians, tribal elders and civil society representatives, to forge a broad consensus on the political future of Afghanistan.

However, due to last minute disruptions the talks had to be postponed. According to reports quoting the Afghan government, the talks were cancelled owing to a disagreement by the Afghan Taliban over some of the attendees sanctioned by the Afghan Government. Whereas, the reports quoting the Afghan Taliban claim that the disruption occurred  due to the Afghan presidential palace’s sudden reference to the list of attendees as ‘official representatives of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’,—- even though it had been  agreed that the various representatives from Afghanistan would be participating in the talks in their personal capacity. There have been positive developments in the US-Afghan Taliban dialogue. Last month’s reports also revealed that the US- Taliban talks may soon agree on a timeline for a gradual US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in exchange for certain political pledges from the Afghan Taliban.

Read Complete Article: Afghan Dialogue: A new stall

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