Friday 8 April 2016

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

Pakistan_Saudi_Arabia_LocatorTwo recent visits have sparked interest and speculation in the enduring Pakistan-Saudi Arabia relationship. The first was President Rouhani of Iran’s visit to Pakistan and the second was Prime Minister Modi of India’s visit to Saudi Arabia. The reasons for this interest and speculations is that Iran and Saudi Arabia are perceived as locked in a sectarian struggle not just in the Middle East but world-wide. Iran backs the Houthis in Yemen, President Assad in Syria, the Shiite faction in Iraq and is a part of the Russian sponsored pro Assad and anti IS ‘coalition’. Saudi Arabia is fighting the Houthis in Yemen, opposes Assad in Syria, is a long standing US ally and has recently announced a 34 nation coalition against ‘terrorism’ that was showcased in early March in a 21 nation joint military exercise—Northern Thunder and generally seen as a signal to Iran.

Read more: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

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