Friday 22 April 2016

The Evolving Mosaic

The last few weeks have been eventful, actually particularly eventful, because there is no dearth of action in the domestic scene thanks to a media in perpetual over drive. The Panama Leaks set off a firestorm that continues unabated. Then the mini war against the gangster Chottu came into our homes as we watched the police fumble and the military come on the scene. The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) stated a long overdue fact when he talked of across the board accountability in the interest of Pakistan thereby creating a social media craze in his support. The Army followed this up with action against its own as the culmination of a fairly long ongoing investigation and inevitably this was taken up enthusiastically as an example that had to be followed by ‘all’—the timing was everything. Violence returned to Karachi as seven policemen were gunned down in deliberate planned attacks while a ‘red alert’ blanketed the country and a US advisory warned its citizens about travels to and within Pakistan. 

Read more: The Evolving Mosaic

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