Tuesday 9 August 2016

Re-energizing the Kashmir Dispute

Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir”—Declared foreign policy objective of Pakistan.


Kashmir-IssueSince the Prime Minister’s speech at the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), held on September 26, 2014, it has become clear that the state is returning to its traditional position on the Kashmir Dispute. This reiteration of what Pakistan terms as a ‘principled position’ has been highlighted by the current regime at all important national forums along with the proclamation of a four point formula at the 70th session of UNGA in 2015. This renewed vigor shown by the Pakistani State in the last 22 months on the Kashmir dispute is positive and sends a confident message about its intention to, once again, make the dispute a priority with the United Nations Organization (UNO).

Read Full Article: Re-energizing the Kashmir Dispute

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