Tuesday 9 August 2016

The Quetta Attack

Quetta-AttackJamaat ul Ahraar (JuA) supposedly linked to the Afghanistan based Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed the attack in Quetta on Monday August 8, 2016. More than seventy were killed and over a hundred injured as a suicide bomber targeted a crowd of mostly lawyers outside the Civil Hospital where they had gathered over the death of a lawyer killed in a shooting attack earlier. The last major attack claimed by the JuA was an attack in a Lahore park on Easter Day when a large crowd was celebrating. More than seventy two were killed in the attack. While the modus operandi as regards target selection, method of attack and impact expectation have similarities it is by no means certain that the JuA actually carried out the attack or is simply claiming it. According to the US military commander in Afghanistan the TTP is linked to the Islamic State (IS) and the TTP has linkages to militant elements in Pakistan from where it relocated to Afghanistan after the Pakistan military’s Operation Zarb e Azb to clear the FATA belt.

Read Full Article: The Quetta Attack

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