Thursday 8 September 2016

Confidence Building

defence-day-2016The Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif addressed the gathering and the nation on the annual Defence of Pakistan Day event at General Headquarters Rawalpindi. He said what the nation had been waiting to hear from their leaders — words to inspire confidence, words of reassurance and words to warn those who acted against Pakistan from within and without. He spoke with confidence because behind him was a wall of solid achievements built brick by brick over several years starting from the brilliantly conceived and implemented Swat operation that extended to Bajaur, South Waziristan and Mohmand and then the bold wide ranging Operation Zarb e Azb and its sequel Khyber III that decisively cleared the FATA area, and finally the ongoing Rangers operation in Sind and the combing operations elsewhere. His focus was unwaveringly on those who had laid down their lives for the nation in the wars with India and the operations against terror and among those listening to him were the veterans, the war wounded and the widows and the children of those martyred and injured.

Read Full Article: Confidence Building

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