Thursday 29 September 2016

Electricity: Charge and Surcharge

electricityThe electricity consumers continue to face hardship in terms of persistent load-shedding, while having to contend with hefty electricity bills every month. The impact of electricity cost and load-shedding is considerable from an economic and social standpoint. On the one hand, having to devise personal solutions to meet electricity needs by consumers is not only costly, but stressful and time consuming. On the other hand from a business perspective, it means higher input costs which make it more difficult to be competitive in the international markets and more difficult to manage continuous and uninterrupted production runs. All this despite capacity being available to meet the demand, and oil prices being at record low levels.

Tall claims continue to be made to resolve the crisis by 2018, just before the next elections, but we see the same unresolved issues of ballooning circular debt and no let up in load-shedding. Then there are issues of having a distribution and transmission system that may not be able to cope with the additional load effectively once it enters the system. In his book, Pakistan’s Interminable Energy Crisis: is there a way out? published by the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars (Wilson Center), Michael Kugelman reviews the energy crisis in Pakistan. He aims to study the energy situation in Pakistan and suggest possible options – which are all long-term with no quick fixes.
Read Full Article: Electricity: Charge and Surcharge

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