Wednesday 28 September 2016

Response and Counter Response

Nawaz vs ModiPakistan’s Prime Minister has addressed the UNGA and in his speech he brought the situation in Kashmir and the plight of the Kashmiris to the attention of the world. Not a difficult task considering the fact that the world is fully aware of the atrocities being committed by Indian Security Forces in response to a struggle revived by the murder of a teenager by the Indian Army. The Indian Foreign Minister standing in for the Prime Minister who chose to stay away also addressed the UNGA but she focused on Indian Held Kashmir being an integral part of India, on the situation in Baluchistan that is a province of Pakistan and on terrorism in India from Pakistan. Her speech reminded the world that there was a UN Resolution on Kashmir and that its disputed nature was the reason for protracted conflict and violence in the part held by India against the wishes of the people. It also led people to consider how Baluchistan could possibly figure in the UNGA as well as the fact that Pakistan had suffered the most from terrorism and was one of the few countries in the world that was actually fighting to secure itself and had largely succeeded. Her speech also led the world to wonder why India did not act to secure its facilities and soldiers in an area where they had completely alienated the people by their actions and attacks like Uri could be a retaliation that should have been expected and this in turn led to a discussion how an instant determination could be made that the attack was sponsored by Pakistan. Pakistan’s ambassador to the UN has given an appropriate official response to the Indian foreign ministers speech.

Read Full Article: Response and Counter Response

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