Monday 19 September 2016

The URI Attack

terror-attack-in-uriFirst it was the Pathankot Air Base whose defenses were breached by a handful of attackers and a successful attack carried out that left the Indian military and security forces red faced. India and Pakistan handled that with a modicum of restraint that led them down the path of a joint investigation and recourse to legal procedures but not without recriminations and hiccups. Now on Sunday, September 16 an Indian Army Brigade facility has been penetrated and attacked with at least 17 Indian Army personnel killed. This time India has wasted no time in pointing the finger at Pakistan without even a cursory investigation, given the fact that a fierce anti Indian occupation revolt is raging on the streets of Srinagar and the brutal response by Indian military has triggered rage and desperation leaving even Indians aghast. The month’s long street agitation now raging in IHK was triggered by the totally unwarranted killing of young Burhanuddin Wani, seen by the youth as a hero, by the India Army equipped with Draconian powers. Now the recovery of the body of an 11 year old blinded and killed by pellets has injected new rage and violence into the street battles. Over 80 Kashmiris have been killed, 160 blinded and hundreds injured. It is in this context that the URI attack should be seen before arbitrary determinations are made about the perpetrators of the attack.

Read Full Article: The URI Attack

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