Friday 14 October 2016


“Pakistan is being run as a monarchy in the guise of democracy — the nation is being duped in the name of democracy while bad governance is presented as good governance — people should carefully assess the situation and prudently use their right to vote while electing their representatives”

Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali quoted in The Express Tribune October 14.2016
judgmentThe Chief Justice of Pakistan made these remarks while hearing the petition against the construction of the Orange Line Metro Train Project in Lahore. The petitioner a well known architect and environmentalist had stated that the project endangered several heritage sites of Lahore. No one would oppose a project that is undeniably for the public good and the Chief Justice would be the last person to do so. The problem is the rough shod manner in which decision making is done and implementation ordered without consultation, without transparency and without a full disclosure and discussion on the implications and consequences--the total disregard for the consensus that should and must be the hall mark of democracy. Even monarchies today have to consider the impact of the availability of information and the awareness that this has brought about. There is no way that democracy can be a guise for monarchy.

Read Full Article: Judgment

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