Friday 14 October 2016

Troubled Waters

indus-water-treatyMuch has happened since the Uri assault, and it seems that Modi is under a great deal of pressure to do as he promised in his election campaign – ten Pakistani heads for the death of one Indian soldier. His Hindu nationalist voter-constituency, the hate fuelled media machinery, along with the organization backing him – the rightist RSS, need results, and it is this atmosphere of urgency and resentment that is driving India’s policy towards Pakistan. The media’s role is crucial in this campaign of hatred– where sensationalized news reporting, resting on a hunger of ratings, and devoid of facts, is steering nationalist sentiment, and hence policy, towards a destructive end.

With relations between India and Pakistan hitting rock bottom, it seems that the forces partaking in the plunge are inimical to a change in the status quo – the incessant saber rattling stemming from both countries stands as testimony of that. New Delhi’s recent decision to ‘reconfigure’ the only bridge the two arch foes managed to cross – the Indus Water Treaty - after years of efforts, is one of the many daggers the Modi government has drawn, only bound to lead to a pyrrhic victory and nothing more. However, in a time where both countries are functioning on a nationalist overdrive, it is important to separate fiction from reality; Is India really waging a water war on Pakistan?

Read Full Article: Troubled Waters

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