Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Quetta Attack

quetta-police-training-collegeAccording to media reports three suicide vests clad armed attackers gained access to the Police Training Academy in Quetta by killing a guard who resisted valiantly. Once inside they took 280 police cadets hostage. The fire fight that ensued with security forces led by the Army resulted in 60 dead and more than 150 wounded. One attacker was shot dead while the other two blew themselves up. The attack is said to have been master minded by ‘Lashkar Jhangvi Alalami”—Lashkar Jhangvi International probably to distinguish it from its domestic wing that has been attacking members of the Shia sect previously. The last big attack in Quetta was on the lawyers who had assembled to condole the death of their colleague who had been assassinated just hours earlier. The investigation into that attack is still ongoing.
Read Full Article: The Quetta Attack

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