Monday 24 October 2016

The Looming Crisis

imran-khan-islamabad-rallyAs November 2 gets nearer and the rhetoric from both sides gets more and more strident the inevitability of some kind of political showdown in Islamabad gains inevitability. The fact that Imran Khan has demonstrated his ability to draw crowds leads to the conclusion that with the massive effort put in by him and his party the gathering in Islamabad is likely to be huge. The media is gearing up to comprehensively cover the show and is already creating hype about the preparations that both sides are making. No one — neither the challenger nor the challenged — and certainly not the inhabitants of Islamabad, would want a Gunfight at the OK Corral type of confrontation but given the charged atmosphere anything could happen. And if matters do get out of hand then who is going to control the situation and how are they going to do it — not like the Model Town tragedy that is for sure. If not that, then the other option is for the political institution to resolve the crisis in its own and the country’s interest. Unfortunately the deepening divides within the political institution and their diverging interests may make this a difficult undertaking — but this remains the only option if a dangerous deadlock develops in Islamabad.

Read Full Article: The Looming Crisis

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