Monday 2 January 2017

Pakistan’s CPEC Offer

By Shirin Naseer
Research Analyst, Spearhead Research
China, Pakistan and IndiaThis week marks the end of one of the toughest years for Pakistan with several important developments in the domain of foreign affairs. 2016 has experienced its fair share of highs and lows: strained civil military relations and natural calamities on the one hand, and the successful take-off of some of CPEC’s major projects, a decline in terrorist attacks and marginal improvement in economic indicators on the other. Steps were taken this year to tackle issues such as terrorism, and the energy crisis.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, that is not all 2016 will be remembered for. The year will also be recalled as one where there was a significant deterioration in Indo-Pak relations as both countries adopted rigid postures.

Read Full Article: Pakistan’s CPEC Offer

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