Monday 2 January 2017

Via Dubai

Dubai abides by the concept of mixing business with pleasure. A cauldron , brewing with an assortment of arts, cultures & luxuries. It has almost become synonymous with the term ‘dazzle’. It also appears to have skipped several steps of the ‘ standard get rich scheme’ and therefore; despite its magnificent transformation , it leaves in many, a disdain over its ‘nouveau riche’ ways. While, leaving several others perceiving it as a mere mirage in the desert which may not be sustainable in the long run.

While most of the MENA region usually appears to be stifled with perpetual political turmoil and thus remains underutilised in several areas; The UAE portrays a vision of success that stems from cooperation; because social and political stability serve as a precursor to their economic uplift.

Read Full Article: Via Dubai

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