Wednesday 12 April 2017

Transformational Shift

ChangeThe winds of change appear to be upon us. The world is experiencing a transformational shift with rapid changes in allegiances and alliances. China is emerging as a dominant player not just regionally, but in a global context. The influence of USA appears to be heading towards a gradual decline, with growing discontent over its unilateral policies. The recent case in point is the bombing of Syria over a ‘purported’ Chemical attack by the Assad regime. Many are drawing parallels with the Iraq invasion and the ‘false’ Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) claims. The fact is that the world appears to be tiring of the US rhetoric and one-sided gun-slinging approach.

China on the other hand appears to be focusing on securing strategic gains through opening up of trade routes and trade alliances. Pakistan is potentially a major beneficiary of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Recently, the United Kingdom has opened up a freight rail trade route with China. Others are expected to follow suit as the One Belt, One Road initiative gains steam. China offers a potentially huge market, and with stagnant-to-declining populations in most Western nations, China and the regional economies around it offer tremendous opportunity with rapidly growing populations and markets.

Read Complete Article - Transformational Shift

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