Tuesday 11 April 2017

US and the evolving Afghan strategy

As the Trump administration recovers from transitional lags; the world waits for a clear direction on its Afghan policy. The US Secretary of State recently offered an insight on the possible US objectives; - an eventual political settlement between the Afghan government and the Taliban forces and reaffirmed US support for the train, support and advise mission in Afghanistan.

Last year, General Nicholson had stated that a significant troop surge would be required to end --what he termed as-- a stalemate with the Taliban; mirroring a similar line of thought General Votel’s stance during a senate hearing also called for an enhanced commitment to the Afghan region--- in assessing the region's strategic importance for the US he went as far as expressing that ‘he would rather see the Russians distracted with anything else but the central zone’. While on the other hand-- some are of the view that either a political settlement or a complete walk out are the only ways left.

Read Complete Article - US and the evolving Afghan strategy

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