Monday 9 October 2017

Iran & Pakistan: A study

To call the relationship between Pakistan and Iran complicated, would be putting it lightly. Even though the bond between the two nations can be traced back hundreds of years, the divides between them are even greater today. Unlike Pakistan’s neighbors to the north, China, they have never been embraced as the saviors of a nation, helping them to an economically stable, and secure future. Unlike India, they have never been despised by the general populace for their politics, yet adored for their entertainment industry. And unlike Afghanistan, they have never been scorned for blaming Pakistan for their own country’s shortcomings and security problems.

Iran and Pakistan have enjoyed both good times and bad, yet the relations between the two countries have always been eclipsed by a myriad of factors. The Balochi separatist movement, the constant shadow of Russia, China, and the US’s involvement in the region, the Saudi backed Wahhabism movement, oil pipelines and naturally, terrorism. These issues have irrevocably shaped the dynamics between the two nations and have molded their respective foreign policies pertaining to one another.

Read Complete Article: Iran & Pakistan: A study

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