Monday 16 October 2017

Kashmir: Trouble in Paradise

“Gar firdaus ruhe zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast”
(If there is a heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here)

This is the famous couplet recited by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, upon entering Kashmir in the 17th Century. Almost four centuries on, peace remains elusive in Kashmir - one of the most troubled regions in the world as declared by the UN Human Rights Watch and EU Special report following 70 years of tussle between the states of India and Pakistan. It requires resolution as it is a contentious issue that has the potential of developing into a conflict between the two nuclear armed states. While there is an ongoing debate over the conflicting territorial claims of Pakistan and India, who have already divided the region amongst themselves after three major wars by drawing out a Line of Control, little attention seems to have been paid to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Read Complete Article: Kashmir: Trouble in Paradise

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