Tuesday 14 November 2017

Pakistanis like many other people facing challenges tend to wait for a crusading leader to come and lead them to stability and prosperity. This dream lingers in spite of many past disappointments that dashed their hopes to the ground. In fact, such a transformational event rarely works out—unless it is something out of a transformer’s movie.

The problem starts when a leader is built up as some kind of a super strongman blessed with all the virtues and talents for leadership. This inevitably leads to the ‘man on a pedestal’ syndrome as the leader proceeds to consolidate and centralize power by forming an inner circle based on professed and demonstrated loyalties that in turn proceeds to insulate him and keep him happily in cuckoo land while they reap the benefits. Merit is ignored in forming teams for governance and in extreme cases the leader eventually brings in his family members to ensure continuity of the good times. There have been, and still are. many examples of such situations all over the world.

Read Complete Article: Political Musings

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