Tuesday 14 November 2017

Agriculture Sector of Pakistan - Ensuring Food Security

Pakistan is an agrarian economy employing around 42.3% of the labor force directly or indirectly. The country’s abundant natural resources and fertile soil support the agricultural sector, which started receiving renewed attention after a negative growth of 0.19% in FY2015-16. During this period, production of crops declined by 6.25%, while the other sub components of agriculture sector like livestock, forestry and fisheries posted positive growth of 3.63%, 8.84% and 3.25%, respectively. The decline in crop production was attributed to the performance of the country’s three main sub sectors: important crops, other crops, and cotton ginning with declines of 7.18%, 0.31% and 21.26%, respectively.

Read Complete Article: Agriculture Sector of Pakistan - Ensuring Food Security

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