Thursday 16 November 2017

Saudi Arabia Challenging the Status Quo: Streamlining Power and Economics Part I

Link to Part II

“Saudi Arabia has stability. The social contract and the political contract between the king, the rulers and the royal family and the ruled people in Saudi Arabia is very strong.”
-Al Waleed Bin Talal

Saudi Arabia is at a critical juncture. Soon after the issue of a royal decree against corruption, 4th of November witnessed a sudden arrest of dozens of princes, high ranking officials and prominent businessmen. It has been recently stated that nearly 201 people remain in custody and 1700 individual bank accounts have been frozen.

 Global attention has diverted towards the Kingdom. The official statements maintain that the arrests are in line with the Saudi Economic Vision 2030 - aimed at improving local transparency and accountability mechanisms.

Historically, Saudi Arabia tends to keep its internal matters strictly veiled. It is rare for social issues or critical discourses to make headlines, leave alone matters related to the Royal Family. However, owing to this age of speedy information, an endless stream of information surfaced. A prevalent view dubbed the arrests as a ‘preemptive’ measure to counter a rumored palace coup against MBS (Muhammad bin Sultan—the Crown Prince) and/or for him to consolidate his power.

Read Complete Article: Saudi Arabia Challenging the Status Quo: Streamlining Power and Economics Part I

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