Friday 16 March 2018

Amnesty for What?

In a scathing write-up on the challenges facing the Pakistan economy, Dr. Ashfaque H. Khan has summed up the economic state of affairs of Pakistan. The situation can at best be described as gloomy and at worst as disastrous. It is, however, an objective assessment from an economic standpoint and one that needs to be considered seriously by the present and aspiring politicians as well as the Military, as it poses serious risks to the national security of Pakistan. Given the geo-political developments in the region, the deteriorated relationship with USA, and the impending inclusion of Pakistan on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Watch List by June 2018, the situation is all the more worrisome.

With just over three months left for the present government to complete its five-year tenure, the emphasis seems to be on wiling away the time and passing the buck on to the interim set-up and then the newly elected government. The architect of financial destruction, who has brought the country to such a low level is now residing abroad and has been declared an absconder by the Courts. It’s a pity that such men are allowed to wreak havoc on a system and then disappear, and re-appear for people have very short-term memories. According to media reports the Army Chief in a background briefing to the media has called him a ‘disaster for the country’.

Read Complete Article: Amnesty for What?

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