Friday 16 March 2018

The Secretary of State of the US was sacked by the President of the US through a tweet. Earlier on New Year’s Day the US President had tweeted the new policy for South Asia that included a scathing indictment of Pakistan in totally undiplomatic language. The US and indeed the world has accepted these tweeted changes as the new norm. Analysts within the US have welcomed the ouster of Mr.Tillerson who is now being called a ‘disaster’. On his watch the State Department suffered a near fatal cut in its budget and most positions remained vacant putting US diplomacy out to pasture with all the importance going to the generals who were brought in. Eliot Cohen in his article ‘The Worst Secretary of State in US History’ has used some remarkable phrases to describe events that have taken place and more that may take place in the future—‘eviction by sustained humiliation’ is how he has described the ouster of Jeff Sessions, and the Tillerson exit has been described as ‘getting unceremoniously muscled over the window ledge before a crowd of gaping onlookers’ a fate that may await others in his opinion. These are matters that the US will no doubt follow with interest because according to Cohen the US administration is divided between those— “willing to sell their souls completely and at a discount in the service of a man who is doing great damage to American norms and traditions, and those who are trying to get something for their country in return for the slices of honor and integrity that every day they consign to the flames–.”

Read Complete Article: THE TILLERSON TWEET

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