Thursday 22 March 2018

Why Turkey’s Erdogan is Here to Stay

Last week, in the dead of night, Turkey’s parliament passed a series of electoral reforms, the most contentious of which is that from now on unstamped ballots can be counted at elections and referenda. Turkey had yet to come out of the controversy of last year’s constitutional referendum and the widespread fraud allegations that followed it, and now the country seems to be embroiled yet again in a political crisis of President Erdogan’s making. It remains unclear this time, whether the Parliamentary vote last week that made sweeping electoral changes effecting the country’s upcoming 2019 elections was a veiled move to keep President Erdogan in power or whether Turkey has moved to these radical reforms on its own terms. The backlash from opposition parties resulting from the vote suggests that the former is true.

Read Complete Article: Why Turkey’s Erdogan is Here to Stay

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