Wednesday 21 March 2018

The Age of Anger – from Liberal Democracy to Populism

We live in an age of anger’ muses Pankaj Mishra, in his globally-acclaimed writings on the reactionary political turn the world has taken in the late 2010s.

If the year 2016 was the year that populist resurgence revolutionized our political systems and the way we woke to embrace a new political consciousness about the way masses view  relationships with their governments, 2017 only went on to solidify the belief that perhaps populism is not a moment, but an age we must now reconcile with.

To begin the dissection of the political movement that has taken the world by storm, political scientists have turned to the past to diagnose the condition; Citizens had never been this disillusioned with politics from the start. In fact, in a post-world war construct, age of depression era of economic instability and innumerable human loss to global wars and conflicts, the idea of ‘liberal democracy’ with its promise of stability in governance and belief in the electoral choice of the majority, brought with it a sense of relief in constitutional protection. The universal triumph of liberal capitalism and democracy seemed assured; free markets and human rights would spread around the world and lift billions from poverty and oppression

Read Complete Article: The Age of Anger – from Liberal Democracy to Populism

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