Friday 27 July 2018

Spoken Like a Leader

Imran Khan’s post-election speech was a far cry from the usual fare doled out after elections in the past - it was sincere, balanced, conciliatory and progressive. After a long time one heard a Leader speak in Pakistan. These elections weeded out a lot of the political bigwigs who for decades have lorded over the people of Pakistan, without making much difference in their lives. If anything the hardships have continued to increase and the institutions have been weakened. Imran Khan touched all the right chords when he talked of improving Education, Healthcare, Economy, and Competitiveness; and most of all he talked of Foreign Relations, Austerity and impartial Accountability without personal vendettas. A commendable speech, spoken from the heart like a true leader. Perhaps, we are finally on the right path.

Read Complete Article : Spoken Like a Leader

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