Thursday 26 July 2018

Victory at Last

A concerted and possibly orchestrated attack on the military and its intelligence assets was the prelude to the elections. Local heavyweight journalists linked to either the international media or political factions or both, and ousted politicians set about creating the impression that the military was into unprecedented blatant pre-poll rigging. The media, especially, the international media picked up the vibes and joined the chorus enthusiastically. Elections have been held, and barring a most tragic externally sourced attack in Baluchistan and a few technical and incompetency based glitches, the elections have been declared as free and fair by the majority of people in Pakistan. The EU team is set to file its report but their statement endorses this view. A former Indian Election Commission official who was in Pakistan has said on Indian NDTV that what he personally observed was a free, fair and transparent election process. Those that the ‘establishment’ was supposed to be supporting have been trounced in the polls. The PPP was voted out in 2013 on the basis of their performance and now in 2018 it was a foregone conclusion that the PML(N) would suffer and that the charismatic PTI leader being untried was to be given a chance—so the result should not be a surprise.

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