Tuesday 16 April 2019

Recent Developments in US – Iran ties

Recently, the US has designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp as terrorist organization. The IRGC which is a branch of the Iranian militray will now be juxtaposed alongside groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS- in the US. The move is aimed to substantiate the US allegation that Iran is a state sponsor of Terror. As an immediate retaliatory response, the Supreme Council of Iranian National Security blacklisted the US Central Command CENTCOM. The Iranian Parliament also rushed to pass legislation designating the U.S. military as a terrorist entity. The recent moves are said to have axed any chances for the resuscitation of the nuclear deal by the US administration. It is also assessed that this hardline policy against Iran is likely to create political jolts within Iran, create hurdles for future US administrations in taking any shifts from the current line and impact regional security.

Read Complete Article: Recent Developments in US – Iran ties

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