Thursday 18 April 2019

Jumping the Gun

Like most other leaderships in the World, the PTI leaders too are avid fans of social media for projecting their achievements or pointing out the shortcomings of their opponents. The Prime Minister and several other Ministers are in the habit of often Tweeting their ‘thoughts’, and by jumping the gun, such hasty posts create more issues than solutions. There was the announcement about forming a new Tax Collection Authority, rather than reforming Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Then came the potential ‘good’ news about huge oil reserves off the coast of Gwadar. This was followed up by the news that the government would announce the creation of a huge number of jobs within a week. The purpose of all these messages was to create some media positivity within the system and perhaps provide some hope to the beleaguered people of Pakistan. The reality has quite often been different as FBR continues with its harassment tactics; there is no sign of oil reserves till date; nor is there any indication of a huge job influx. What has been apparent is a declining macroeconomic environment borne out of conflicting statements, constant U-turns, and an apparent lack of experience in managing the situation.

Read Complete Article: Jumping the Gun

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